Obtenga la certificación CTPAT, nuestros asesores podrán ahorrarle tiempo, dinero y molestias.
Get CTPAT certified, our consultants can save you time, money and hassle.
We help companies improve supply chain security, reduce delays and obtain CTPAT certification.
Capacitación: Proteger su identidad corporativa
Training: Protecting your corporate identity
This training session examines the most common ways in which importer identity theft occurs and offers proactive measures to help in-house staff prevent corporate identity theft, one of the fastest growing crimes in commerce.
Evaluación de riesgos y procedimientos.
Risk and procedure evaluation.
Our risk assessment process includes sending questionnaires to you and your international business partners. We prepare your CTPAT security profile based on the responses to the questionnaires and the risk assessment report.
Auditorias internas On line
On-line internal audits
Audit - Assessment - Training
CTPAT Criteria Online Training
Training - Training - Implementation


Training, Certification, Validation, Re-Validation
Training and education of your company's personnel in CTPAT safety criteria.
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Our consultants will help you prepare for CBP visits.
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Our trained advisors in Chicago, IL, USA. Learn more about our comprehensive professional consulting services.
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Our expert advisors will guide your company through the preparation process and the CBP validation visit.
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Our WORK is dedicated to the PROSPERITY of our clients.

In order to be in constant communication with our customers and offer them the best service, we are updating our site to offer more information about our new services, as well as news about them. We are a company dedicated and committed to serve the industry, so we offer various professional consulting services to different branches of the industry, covering the different needs of the industry in Mexico.


With more than 30 years of experience, offering import/export consulting services to the international market. Headquartered in New York City, it has agents all over the world. Representatives in Mexico for Training and Consulting in International Supply Chain Security.

Who is Certified with the CTPAT Minimum Security Criteria?

In Mexico, the categories for companies moving cargo to the United States must adhere to the security criteria established by CBP.


Herramientas para inspección CTPAT

¿Qué es CTPAT? El programa Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT) es una iniciativa de seguridad liderada por la Oficina […]

#StopRansomware: Medusa Ransomware

La ciberseguridad en el programa Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT) es fundamental para proteger las cadenas de suministro y […]

Me rechazaron CTPAT, pero me invitan a que participe en OEA México primero

¿Qué hacer cuando te rechazan en CTPAT y te invitan a OEA México? Si tu empresa fue rechazada para el […]

Las Aduanas Claves para las Exportaciones Mexicanas en 2024

En 2024, las exportaciones mexicanas han seguido creciendo a un ritmo impresionante, y algunas aduanas han jugado un papel crucial […]

Impacto de los aranceles en el comercio fronterizo y la importancia de CTPAT para mitigar riesgos

Las recientes políticas arancelarias han generado un impacto inmediato en el comercio entre México y Estados Unidos, afectando a diversos […]

La Amenaza de los Huevos Crudos en la Frontera: Un Aumento Preocupante

Un Aumento Inesperado en las Incautaciones: El Papel de CTPAT en la Seguridad Agroalimentaria Desde el inicio del año fiscal […]

Ciudades Más Peligrosas de México en 2024

El Índice Anual del Consejo Ciudadano para la Seguridad Pública y la Justicia de México revela que 20 ciudades mexicanas […]

Our Experience

Our customers who enrich our experience





Delegate the complex and time-consuming updates to the CTPAT safety profile detailed in the new MSC requirements (published in June 2020) to the team of CTPAT experts, allowing your employees the time and peace of mind to focus on the big picture.


  • Gain valuable insight into your organization's supply chain through detailed assessment of the unique risk factors your company faces, ultimately providing a customized plan for your clearest path to CTPAT certification or CTPAT renewal.


  • It leverages an extensive library of internally developed resources, including an updated CTPAT Security Questionnaire, internal security awareness training for staff, standard operating procedures for trading partners and much more, equipping your organization with processes to achieve CTPAT certification and CTPAT renewal.




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 Request more information

Nombre de la Empresa que desea integrarse al programa CTPAT
Personal o de la empresa
Correo Electrónico de la empresa.
Ciudad donde se encuentra la empresa a certificar.
Cuéntanos un poco más sobre tus necesidades, horarios en los cuales se le puede contactar.

If you wish to contact our Asesores, please provide the following information about your company to better serve you.

This information will allow us to direct your request to consultant who will assist you.

Office Hours Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 17:00 pm